Hazel Health Offers School Districts Affected by L.A. Wildfires Access to Free Virtual Urgent Care Services

Students can access virtual physical and mental health care services at no cost — without leaving their homes or shelters.
3 minutos
Publicado el
15 de enero de 2025

Jan 15, 2025 - As wildfires continue to affect communities throughout the greater Los Angeles area, Hazel Health is offering all partner districts throughout L.A. County access to free online urgent care services through the end of February. Students can access virtual physical and mental health care services at no cost — without leaving their homes or shelters. 

“As the wildfires continue throughout Los Angeles, we see the magnitude of stress and disruption that thousands of students and families are facing. Hazel’s founding belief is that every student deserves unfettered access to physical and mental healthcare. This becomes even more critical in times of crisis. As such, we are offering our district partners all the tools available at our disposal to support those affected by this tragedy,” said Josh Golomb, CEO, Hazel Health. 

“Our schools are more than classrooms — they're a lifeline of safety and support for countless families. Our partnership with Hazel has been an essential resource since the COVID-19 pandemic and we are pleased to supplement PUSD mental health services for our families impacted by the Eaton Fire.” – Superintendent Elizabeth Blanco, Ed.D., Pasadena Unified School District. 

Due to the acute nature of conditions that might arise, Hazel's pediatric clinicians can help with respiratory issues (including wheezing, coughing, and asthma flares), eye irritation, skin concerns and rashes, and medication refills. Hazel’s therapists are also on stand by to support students' mental health and well-being. 

To learn more, please visit getstarted.hazel.co

Press Contact:
Elizabeth Austin 

Jan 15, 2025 - As wildfires continue to affect communities throughout the greater Los Angeles area, Hazel Health is offering all partner districts throughout L.A. County access to free online urgent care services through the end of February. Students can access virtual physical and mental health care services at no cost — without leaving their homes or shelters. 

“As the wildfires continue throughout Los Angeles, we see the magnitude of stress and disruption that thousands of students and families are facing. Hazel’s founding belief is that every student deserves unfettered access to physical and mental healthcare. This becomes even more critical in times of crisis. As such, we are offering our district partners all the tools available at our disposal to support those affected by this tragedy,” said Josh Golomb, CEO, Hazel Health. 

“Our schools are more than classrooms — they're a lifeline of safety and support for countless families. Our partnership with Hazel has been an essential resource since the COVID-19 pandemic and we are pleased to supplement PUSD mental health services for our families impacted by the Eaton Fire.” – Superintendent Elizabeth Blanco, Ed.D., Pasadena Unified School District. 

Due to the acute nature of conditions that might arise, Hazel's pediatric clinicians can help with respiratory issues (including wheezing, coughing, and asthma flares), eye irritation, skin concerns and rashes, and medication refills. Hazel’s therapists are also on stand by to support students' mental health and well-being. 

To learn more, please visit getstarted.hazel.co

Press Contact:
Elizabeth Austin 

Jan 15, 2025 - As wildfires continue to affect communities throughout the greater Los Angeles area, Hazel Health is offering all partner districts throughout L.A. County access to free online urgent care services through the end of February. Students can access virtual physical and mental health care services at no cost — without leaving their homes or shelters. 

“As the wildfires continue throughout Los Angeles, we see the magnitude of stress and disruption that thousands of students and families are facing. Hazel’s founding belief is that every student deserves unfettered access to physical and mental healthcare. This becomes even more critical in times of crisis. As such, we are offering our district partners all the tools available at our disposal to support those affected by this tragedy,” said Josh Golomb, CEO, Hazel Health. 

“Our schools are more than classrooms — they're a lifeline of safety and support for countless families. Our partnership with Hazel has been an essential resource since the COVID-19 pandemic and we are pleased to supplement PUSD mental health services for our families impacted by the Eaton Fire.” – Superintendent Elizabeth Blanco, Ed.D., Pasadena Unified School District. 

Due to the acute nature of conditions that might arise, Hazel's pediatric clinicians can help with respiratory issues (including wheezing, coughing, and asthma flares), eye irritation, skin concerns and rashes, and medication refills. Hazel’s therapists are also on stand by to support students' mental health and well-being. 

To learn more, please visit getstarted.hazel.co

Press Contact:
Elizabeth Austin 

Jan 15, 2025 - As wildfires continue to affect communities throughout the greater Los Angeles area, Hazel Health is offering all partner districts throughout L.A. County access to free online urgent care services through the end of February. Students can access virtual physical and mental health care services at no cost — without leaving their homes or shelters. 

“As the wildfires continue throughout Los Angeles, we see the magnitude of stress and disruption that thousands of students and families are facing. Hazel’s founding belief is that every student deserves unfettered access to physical and mental healthcare. This becomes even more critical in times of crisis. As such, we are offering our district partners all the tools available at our disposal to support those affected by this tragedy,” said Josh Golomb, CEO, Hazel Health. 

“Our schools are more than classrooms — they're a lifeline of safety and support for countless families. Our partnership with Hazel has been an essential resource since the COVID-19 pandemic and we are pleased to supplement PUSD mental health services for our families impacted by the Eaton Fire.” – Superintendent Elizabeth Blanco, Ed.D., Pasadena Unified School District. 

Due to the acute nature of conditions that might arise, Hazel's pediatric clinicians can help with respiratory issues (including wheezing, coughing, and asthma flares), eye irritation, skin concerns and rashes, and medication refills. Hazel’s therapists are also on stand by to support students' mental health and well-being. 

To learn more, please visit getstarted.hazel.co

Press Contact:
Elizabeth Austin 

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Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, se asocia con los distritos escolares para prestar servicios de salud mental y física a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en el hogar. Los diversos proveedores interculturales de Hazel se especializan en los problemas de salud de los niños y adolescentes y trabajan en conjunto con los padres y el personal de la escuela para tomar las mejores decisiones relativas a la atención de los estudiantes. Hazel se compromete a mejorar la equidad en atención médica y está disponible independientemente de los ingresos familiares, la zona geográfica, la situación del seguro médico y la posibilidad de pagar. La misión de Hazel es transformar el acceso de los niños a la atención médica, porque cuando los estudiantes se sienten mejor, aprenden mejor.

Obtenga más información en hazel.co.

Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health is the nation’s largest and most trusted provider of school-based telehealth. By partnering with districts and health plans across the country, Hazel transforms schools into the most accessible front door to pediatric healthcare. Today, Hazel’s licensed providers deliver teletherapy and virtual care (in school or at home) to over four million K-12 students, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. Hazel aims to remove all barriers to the mental and physical health care that children need to thrive: in school, at home, and in life.

Obtenga más información en hazel.co.

Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, se asocia con los distritos escolares para prestar servicios de salud mental y física a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en el hogar. Hazel presta servicios a casi 2 millones de estudiantes en 100 distritos escolares, lo que ayuda a reducir el ausentismo crónico y el aprendizaje inconcluso, ya que aborda las dificultades para acceder a la atención médica. Hazel, como extensión del equipo de salud escolar, ayuda a las escuelas a abordar de inmediato las necesidades de atención de salud física y mental de los estudiantes. La misión de Hazel es transformar el acceso de los niños a la atención médica, porque cuando los estudiantes se sienten mejor, aprenden mejor.

Obtenga más información en Hazel.co/hazel-in-schools.

Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, se asocia con los distritos escolares para prestar servicios de salud mental y física a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en el hogar. Como Hazel soluciona las dificultades para acceder a la atención médica, ayuda a los distritos escolares a abordar los problemas de ausentismo crónico, aprendizaje inconcluso e inscripción en las escuelas.

Obtenga más información en Hazel.co/hazel-in-schools.

Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, trabaja con los distritos escolares y las familias para prestar servicios de salud física y mental a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en su casa. En lugar de esperar una cita con un médico o terapeuta, los niños pueden ver a un proveedor de Hazel mediante una visita virtual, sin ningún costo para las familias. Con el permiso de los tutores, la plataforma virtual de Hazel permite a los niños ponerse en contacto con un proveedor de atención médica en cuestión de minutos, o con un terapeuta en cuestión de días tras la derivación. Los proveedores de Hazel pueden ayudar con todo tipo de problemas, desde alergias y dolores de estómago hasta ansiedad y depresión. Con Hazel, los niños pueden obtener la atención que necesitan cuando la necesitan.

Obtenga más información en Hazel.co/how-hazel-works.

Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, trabaja con los distritos escolares y las familias para prestar servicios de salud física y mental a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en su casa. Sin costo alguno, e independientemente de la situación del seguro médico, los proveedores de Hazel pueden ayudar con todo tipo de problemas, desde alergias y dolores de estómago hasta ansiedad y depresión. Con Hazel, los niños pueden obtener la atención que necesitan cuando la necesitan.

Obtenga más información en Hazel.co/how-hazel-works.

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