Fostering healthy dialogue about mental health and therapy in schools, households, and communities

Tips families and educators can leverage to promote healthy conversations around mental health at home and in the classroom.
Publicado el
28 de marzo de 2024

Fostering open conversations about mental health is crucial for the well-being of students and is not easy! School counselors, families, and educators play a pivotal role in creating a supportive environment that encourages honest dialogue and breaks down mental health stigma.

Best practices: talking to students about mental health

Navigating and supporting student mental health requires more than just awareness; it demands open and empathetic communication and education. Educators, school counselors, psychologists, and other school staff are essential in fostering a safe and supportive student environment.

Effective conversations can break down barriers, encourage students to feel comfortable seeking help when they need it, and contribute to a school community where well-being is a shared responsibility.

1. Create a safe space

Establishing a safe and confidential space within both the school setting and at home is crucial for effective communication about mental health. At school, ensure students can discuss their concerns without fear of judgment or repercussions. Confidentiality is critical to building trust. 

2. Incorporate mental health conversations into each day

Integrate mental health education into the school curriculum to normalize mental health conversations and a healthy dialogue. Discuss common challenges students may face, coping mechanisms, and getting help when warranted. Weave mental health education into existing subjects when possible.

3. Be approachable

Being approachable is a cornerstone of effective communication. Develop an open and empathetic demeanor to make students feel comfortable approaching you with their concerns. Active listening, empathy, and non-verbal cues, such as maintaining eye contact, are essential to approachability.

4. Provide and educate students and families about resources

Ensure students know the mental health resources available to them within the school or community. This might include information on counseling services, peer groups, support groups, helplines, or services like Hazel Health teletherapy. Having access to resources and being aware of them empowers students to seek assistance.

5 T's for Mental Health Education in Schools (SRI International)

Supporting students in fostering an open dialogue with friends and peers

Beyond the classroom, students navigate a complex social landscape where friendships hold a significant impact. Creating an environment where students feel comfortable discussing mental health with their friends and peers is essential. Fostering an atmosphere of understanding and empathy among peers contributes to a school community where dialogue on mental health topics is not only welcomed but becomes a natural part of the student experience.

1. Promote inclusivity and understanding

Encourage inclusivity by emphasizing that everyone's mental health is essential. Create an atmosphere where students feel accepted, regardless of any mental health challenges they may be experiencing. This inclusive approach helps break down stereotypes and fosters empathy among peers.

2. Encourage active listening

Active listening is a communication skill that goes beyond simply hearing another person's words–it’s about processing and seeking to understand the meaning and intent behind what’s being said. Teaching students the skill of active listening enhances their ability to understand and support their friends and peers. This skill is foundational for effective communication and building strong interpersonal relationships. Incorporate activities and discussions on active listening within the school setting. 

3. Facilitate student/peer-led initiatives 

Empower students to take the lead in organizing peer support groups or mental health awareness campaigns. Peer-led initiatives strengthen the sense of community and provide a platform for students to share experiences, offer guidance, and collectively contribute to a supportive community. 

The role of emotional literacy in promoting healthy conversations among youth

Emotional literacy lays the groundwork for effective communication, empathy, and understanding. It is the ability to recognize, understand, and effectively express and manage emotions in oneself and others. Emotional literacy equips students with the skills to express themselves and recognize the feelings of others in a constructive, supportive way.

Tips for incorporating emotional literacy education into K-12 schools

1. Use visual aids (K-5)

For all students, especially younger students, employ visual aids such as emojis or facial expressions to help them identify and label different emotions. These visual cues create a tangible connection between emotions and their graphical representations.

Many Hazel Health Referrers and Initiators use the feelings chart to help younger students identify their emotions. Download it here!  

2. Storytelling and role-playing (6-8)

Engage middle school students in storytelling and role-playing activities to explore various emotional scenarios. This hands-on approach allows them to step into different perspectives, fostering empathy and developing practical communication skills.

3. Journaling and reflection (9-12)

Introduce journaling as a tool for high school students to reflect on their emotions. This practice encourages self-awareness and provides an outlet for processing complex feelings. Create classroom discussions around the role of emotions in decision-making and forming healthy relationships.

4. Incorporate literature (All Grades)

Select age-appropriate literature that explores diverse emotions and experiences. Reading stories and discussing characters' emotional journeys can serve as a springboard for conversations about emotional literacy. This approach helps students connect theoretical concepts to real-life situations.

How to talk about mental health as a family

Families play a critical role in fostering open dialogues about mental health. The home environment is the foundational setting where attitudes toward well-being are shaped. By breaking down barriers and establishing a culture of understanding at home, families support the development of emotional literacy. 

1. Normalize the conversation

Normalizing discussions about mental health at home involves integrating conversations about emotions, stressors, and coping strategies into each day. Consider incorporating mental health check-ins and open dialogue about challenges into your daily routine instead of reserving discussions for crisis moments. Check-in with open-ended questions, like:

  • What’s been stressing you out lately?
  • What was the most interesting (or exciting)  part of your day?
  • What was the most frustrating (or boring) part of your day?
  • Keeping stuff private is okay, but do you want to tell me more about ____? 
2. Lead by example

Parents and guardians can set the tone for open conversations about mental health by leading by example. Share your experiences with stress, anxiety, or challenges, and discuss how you cope with these emotions. This vulnerability demystifies the topic and shows that seeking support and discussing our challenges is a sign of strength.

3. Use age-appropriate language

Effective communication about mental health involves using language appropriate for each child's developmental stage. For younger children, use simple language and focus on basic emotions. As children grow older, they introduce more complex concepts and discuss mental health in a way that aligns with their evolving understanding of emotions.

4. Encourage questions

Create an environment where children feel comfortable asking questions about mental health. Encourage curiosity and validate their concerns. Reassure them that it's natural to feel a range of emotions and that seeking guidance or support is a healthy way to navigate challenges.

Fostering open conversations about mental health within families, schools, and peer groups is a collaborative effort that significantly contributes to students' overall well-being. By establishing a culture of acceptance and normalizing discussions, together, as parents, educators, and counselors, we can create an environment where students feel supported, understood, and empowered to prioritize their mental wellness. 

Fostering open conversations about mental health is crucial for the well-being of students and is not easy! School counselors, families, and educators play a pivotal role in creating a supportive environment that encourages honest dialogue and breaks down mental health stigma.

Best practices: talking to students about mental health

Navigating and supporting student mental health requires more than just awareness; it demands open and empathetic communication and education. Educators, school counselors, psychologists, and other school staff are essential in fostering a safe and supportive student environment.

Effective conversations can break down barriers, encourage students to feel comfortable seeking help when they need it, and contribute to a school community where well-being is a shared responsibility.

1. Create a safe space

Establishing a safe and confidential space within both the school setting and at home is crucial for effective communication about mental health. At school, ensure students can discuss their concerns without fear of judgment or repercussions. Confidentiality is critical to building trust. 

2. Incorporate mental health conversations into each day

Integrate mental health education into the school curriculum to normalize mental health conversations and a healthy dialogue. Discuss common challenges students may face, coping mechanisms, and getting help when warranted. Weave mental health education into existing subjects when possible.

3. Be approachable

Being approachable is a cornerstone of effective communication. Develop an open and empathetic demeanor to make students feel comfortable approaching you with their concerns. Active listening, empathy, and non-verbal cues, such as maintaining eye contact, are essential to approachability.

4. Provide and educate students and families about resources

Ensure students know the mental health resources available to them within the school or community. This might include information on counseling services, peer groups, support groups, helplines, or services like Hazel Health teletherapy. Having access to resources and being aware of them empowers students to seek assistance.

5 T's for Mental Health Education in Schools (SRI International)

Supporting students in fostering an open dialogue with friends and peers

Beyond the classroom, students navigate a complex social landscape where friendships hold a significant impact. Creating an environment where students feel comfortable discussing mental health with their friends and peers is essential. Fostering an atmosphere of understanding and empathy among peers contributes to a school community where dialogue on mental health topics is not only welcomed but becomes a natural part of the student experience.

1. Promote inclusivity and understanding

Encourage inclusivity by emphasizing that everyone's mental health is essential. Create an atmosphere where students feel accepted, regardless of any mental health challenges they may be experiencing. This inclusive approach helps break down stereotypes and fosters empathy among peers.

2. Encourage active listening

Active listening is a communication skill that goes beyond simply hearing another person's words–it’s about processing and seeking to understand the meaning and intent behind what’s being said. Teaching students the skill of active listening enhances their ability to understand and support their friends and peers. This skill is foundational for effective communication and building strong interpersonal relationships. Incorporate activities and discussions on active listening within the school setting. 

3. Facilitate student/peer-led initiatives 

Empower students to take the lead in organizing peer support groups or mental health awareness campaigns. Peer-led initiatives strengthen the sense of community and provide a platform for students to share experiences, offer guidance, and collectively contribute to a supportive community. 

The role of emotional literacy in promoting healthy conversations among youth

Emotional literacy lays the groundwork for effective communication, empathy, and understanding. It is the ability to recognize, understand, and effectively express and manage emotions in oneself and others. Emotional literacy equips students with the skills to express themselves and recognize the feelings of others in a constructive, supportive way.

Tips for incorporating emotional literacy education into K-12 schools

1. Use visual aids (K-5)

For all students, especially younger students, employ visual aids such as emojis or facial expressions to help them identify and label different emotions. These visual cues create a tangible connection between emotions and their graphical representations.

Many Hazel Health Referrers and Initiators use the feelings chart to help younger students identify their emotions. Download it here!  

2. Storytelling and role-playing (6-8)

Engage middle school students in storytelling and role-playing activities to explore various emotional scenarios. This hands-on approach allows them to step into different perspectives, fostering empathy and developing practical communication skills.

3. Journaling and reflection (9-12)

Introduce journaling as a tool for high school students to reflect on their emotions. This practice encourages self-awareness and provides an outlet for processing complex feelings. Create classroom discussions around the role of emotions in decision-making and forming healthy relationships.

4. Incorporate literature (All Grades)

Select age-appropriate literature that explores diverse emotions and experiences. Reading stories and discussing characters' emotional journeys can serve as a springboard for conversations about emotional literacy. This approach helps students connect theoretical concepts to real-life situations.

How to talk about mental health as a family

Families play a critical role in fostering open dialogues about mental health. The home environment is the foundational setting where attitudes toward well-being are shaped. By breaking down barriers and establishing a culture of understanding at home, families support the development of emotional literacy. 

1. Normalize the conversation

Normalizing discussions about mental health at home involves integrating conversations about emotions, stressors, and coping strategies into each day. Consider incorporating mental health check-ins and open dialogue about challenges into your daily routine instead of reserving discussions for crisis moments. Check-in with open-ended questions, like:

  • What’s been stressing you out lately?
  • What was the most interesting (or exciting)  part of your day?
  • What was the most frustrating (or boring) part of your day?
  • Keeping stuff private is okay, but do you want to tell me more about ____? 
2. Lead by example

Parents and guardians can set the tone for open conversations about mental health by leading by example. Share your experiences with stress, anxiety, or challenges, and discuss how you cope with these emotions. This vulnerability demystifies the topic and shows that seeking support and discussing our challenges is a sign of strength.

3. Use age-appropriate language

Effective communication about mental health involves using language appropriate for each child's developmental stage. For younger children, use simple language and focus on basic emotions. As children grow older, they introduce more complex concepts and discuss mental health in a way that aligns with their evolving understanding of emotions.

4. Encourage questions

Create an environment where children feel comfortable asking questions about mental health. Encourage curiosity and validate their concerns. Reassure them that it's natural to feel a range of emotions and that seeking guidance or support is a healthy way to navigate challenges.

Fostering open conversations about mental health within families, schools, and peer groups is a collaborative effort that significantly contributes to students' overall well-being. By establishing a culture of acceptance and normalizing discussions, together, as parents, educators, and counselors, we can create an environment where students feel supported, understood, and empowered to prioritize their mental wellness. 

Fostering open conversations about mental health is crucial for the well-being of students and is not easy! School counselors, families, and educators play a pivotal role in creating a supportive environment that encourages honest dialogue and breaks down mental health stigma.

Best practices: talking to students about mental health

Navigating and supporting student mental health requires more than just awareness; it demands open and empathetic communication and education. Educators, school counselors, psychologists, and other school staff are essential in fostering a safe and supportive student environment.

Effective conversations can break down barriers, encourage students to feel comfortable seeking help when they need it, and contribute to a school community where well-being is a shared responsibility.

1. Create a safe space

Establishing a safe and confidential space within both the school setting and at home is crucial for effective communication about mental health. At school, ensure students can discuss their concerns without fear of judgment or repercussions. Confidentiality is critical to building trust. 

2. Incorporate mental health conversations into each day

Integrate mental health education into the school curriculum to normalize mental health conversations and a healthy dialogue. Discuss common challenges students may face, coping mechanisms, and getting help when warranted. Weave mental health education into existing subjects when possible.

3. Be approachable

Being approachable is a cornerstone of effective communication. Develop an open and empathetic demeanor to make students feel comfortable approaching you with their concerns. Active listening, empathy, and non-verbal cues, such as maintaining eye contact, are essential to approachability.

4. Provide and educate students and families about resources

Ensure students know the mental health resources available to them within the school or community. This might include information on counseling services, peer groups, support groups, helplines, or services like Hazel Health teletherapy. Having access to resources and being aware of them empowers students to seek assistance.

5 T's for Mental Health Education in Schools (SRI International)

Supporting students in fostering an open dialogue with friends and peers

Beyond the classroom, students navigate a complex social landscape where friendships hold a significant impact. Creating an environment where students feel comfortable discussing mental health with their friends and peers is essential. Fostering an atmosphere of understanding and empathy among peers contributes to a school community where dialogue on mental health topics is not only welcomed but becomes a natural part of the student experience.

1. Promote inclusivity and understanding

Encourage inclusivity by emphasizing that everyone's mental health is essential. Create an atmosphere where students feel accepted, regardless of any mental health challenges they may be experiencing. This inclusive approach helps break down stereotypes and fosters empathy among peers.

2. Encourage active listening

Active listening is a communication skill that goes beyond simply hearing another person's words–it’s about processing and seeking to understand the meaning and intent behind what’s being said. Teaching students the skill of active listening enhances their ability to understand and support their friends and peers. This skill is foundational for effective communication and building strong interpersonal relationships. Incorporate activities and discussions on active listening within the school setting. 

3. Facilitate student/peer-led initiatives 

Empower students to take the lead in organizing peer support groups or mental health awareness campaigns. Peer-led initiatives strengthen the sense of community and provide a platform for students to share experiences, offer guidance, and collectively contribute to a supportive community. 

The role of emotional literacy in promoting healthy conversations among youth

Emotional literacy lays the groundwork for effective communication, empathy, and understanding. It is the ability to recognize, understand, and effectively express and manage emotions in oneself and others. Emotional literacy equips students with the skills to express themselves and recognize the feelings of others in a constructive, supportive way.

Tips for incorporating emotional literacy education into K-12 schools

1. Use visual aids (K-5)

For all students, especially younger students, employ visual aids such as emojis or facial expressions to help them identify and label different emotions. These visual cues create a tangible connection between emotions and their graphical representations.

Many Hazel Health Referrers and Initiators use the feelings chart to help younger students identify their emotions. Download it here!  

2. Storytelling and role-playing (6-8)

Engage middle school students in storytelling and role-playing activities to explore various emotional scenarios. This hands-on approach allows them to step into different perspectives, fostering empathy and developing practical communication skills.

3. Journaling and reflection (9-12)

Introduce journaling as a tool for high school students to reflect on their emotions. This practice encourages self-awareness and provides an outlet for processing complex feelings. Create classroom discussions around the role of emotions in decision-making and forming healthy relationships.

4. Incorporate literature (All Grades)

Select age-appropriate literature that explores diverse emotions and experiences. Reading stories and discussing characters' emotional journeys can serve as a springboard for conversations about emotional literacy. This approach helps students connect theoretical concepts to real-life situations.

How to talk about mental health as a family

Families play a critical role in fostering open dialogues about mental health. The home environment is the foundational setting where attitudes toward well-being are shaped. By breaking down barriers and establishing a culture of understanding at home, families support the development of emotional literacy. 

1. Normalize the conversation

Normalizing discussions about mental health at home involves integrating conversations about emotions, stressors, and coping strategies into each day. Consider incorporating mental health check-ins and open dialogue about challenges into your daily routine instead of reserving discussions for crisis moments. Check-in with open-ended questions, like:

  • What’s been stressing you out lately?
  • What was the most interesting (or exciting)  part of your day?
  • What was the most frustrating (or boring) part of your day?
  • Keeping stuff private is okay, but do you want to tell me more about ____? 
2. Lead by example

Parents and guardians can set the tone for open conversations about mental health by leading by example. Share your experiences with stress, anxiety, or challenges, and discuss how you cope with these emotions. This vulnerability demystifies the topic and shows that seeking support and discussing our challenges is a sign of strength.

3. Use age-appropriate language

Effective communication about mental health involves using language appropriate for each child's developmental stage. For younger children, use simple language and focus on basic emotions. As children grow older, they introduce more complex concepts and discuss mental health in a way that aligns with their evolving understanding of emotions.

4. Encourage questions

Create an environment where children feel comfortable asking questions about mental health. Encourage curiosity and validate their concerns. Reassure them that it's natural to feel a range of emotions and that seeking guidance or support is a healthy way to navigate challenges.

Fostering open conversations about mental health within families, schools, and peer groups is a collaborative effort that significantly contributes to students' overall well-being. By establishing a culture of acceptance and normalizing discussions, together, as parents, educators, and counselors, we can create an environment where students feel supported, understood, and empowered to prioritize their mental wellness. 

Fostering open conversations about mental health is crucial for the well-being of students and is not easy! School counselors, families, and educators play a pivotal role in creating a supportive environment that encourages honest dialogue and breaks down mental health stigma.

Best practices: talking to students about mental health

Navigating and supporting student mental health requires more than just awareness; it demands open and empathetic communication and education. Educators, school counselors, psychologists, and other school staff are essential in fostering a safe and supportive student environment.

Effective conversations can break down barriers, encourage students to feel comfortable seeking help when they need it, and contribute to a school community where well-being is a shared responsibility.

1. Create a safe space

Establishing a safe and confidential space within both the school setting and at home is crucial for effective communication about mental health. At school, ensure students can discuss their concerns without fear of judgment or repercussions. Confidentiality is critical to building trust. 

2. Incorporate mental health conversations into each day

Integrate mental health education into the school curriculum to normalize mental health conversations and a healthy dialogue. Discuss common challenges students may face, coping mechanisms, and getting help when warranted. Weave mental health education into existing subjects when possible.

3. Be approachable

Being approachable is a cornerstone of effective communication. Develop an open and empathetic demeanor to make students feel comfortable approaching you with their concerns. Active listening, empathy, and non-verbal cues, such as maintaining eye contact, are essential to approachability.

4. Provide and educate students and families about resources

Ensure students know the mental health resources available to them within the school or community. This might include information on counseling services, peer groups, support groups, helplines, or services like Hazel Health teletherapy. Having access to resources and being aware of them empowers students to seek assistance.

5 T's for Mental Health Education in Schools (SRI International)

Supporting students in fostering an open dialogue with friends and peers

Beyond the classroom, students navigate a complex social landscape where friendships hold a significant impact. Creating an environment where students feel comfortable discussing mental health with their friends and peers is essential. Fostering an atmosphere of understanding and empathy among peers contributes to a school community where dialogue on mental health topics is not only welcomed but becomes a natural part of the student experience.

1. Promote inclusivity and understanding

Encourage inclusivity by emphasizing that everyone's mental health is essential. Create an atmosphere where students feel accepted, regardless of any mental health challenges they may be experiencing. This inclusive approach helps break down stereotypes and fosters empathy among peers.

2. Encourage active listening

Active listening is a communication skill that goes beyond simply hearing another person's words–it’s about processing and seeking to understand the meaning and intent behind what’s being said. Teaching students the skill of active listening enhances their ability to understand and support their friends and peers. This skill is foundational for effective communication and building strong interpersonal relationships. Incorporate activities and discussions on active listening within the school setting. 

3. Facilitate student/peer-led initiatives 

Empower students to take the lead in organizing peer support groups or mental health awareness campaigns. Peer-led initiatives strengthen the sense of community and provide a platform for students to share experiences, offer guidance, and collectively contribute to a supportive community. 

The role of emotional literacy in promoting healthy conversations among youth

Emotional literacy lays the groundwork for effective communication, empathy, and understanding. It is the ability to recognize, understand, and effectively express and manage emotions in oneself and others. Emotional literacy equips students with the skills to express themselves and recognize the feelings of others in a constructive, supportive way.

Tips for incorporating emotional literacy education into K-12 schools

1. Use visual aids (K-5)

For all students, especially younger students, employ visual aids such as emojis or facial expressions to help them identify and label different emotions. These visual cues create a tangible connection between emotions and their graphical representations.

Many Hazel Health Referrers and Initiators use the feelings chart to help younger students identify their emotions. Download it here!  

2. Storytelling and role-playing (6-8)

Engage middle school students in storytelling and role-playing activities to explore various emotional scenarios. This hands-on approach allows them to step into different perspectives, fostering empathy and developing practical communication skills.

3. Journaling and reflection (9-12)

Introduce journaling as a tool for high school students to reflect on their emotions. This practice encourages self-awareness and provides an outlet for processing complex feelings. Create classroom discussions around the role of emotions in decision-making and forming healthy relationships.

4. Incorporate literature (All Grades)

Select age-appropriate literature that explores diverse emotions and experiences. Reading stories and discussing characters' emotional journeys can serve as a springboard for conversations about emotional literacy. This approach helps students connect theoretical concepts to real-life situations.

How to talk about mental health as a family

Families play a critical role in fostering open dialogues about mental health. The home environment is the foundational setting where attitudes toward well-being are shaped. By breaking down barriers and establishing a culture of understanding at home, families support the development of emotional literacy. 

1. Normalize the conversation

Normalizing discussions about mental health at home involves integrating conversations about emotions, stressors, and coping strategies into each day. Consider incorporating mental health check-ins and open dialogue about challenges into your daily routine instead of reserving discussions for crisis moments. Check-in with open-ended questions, like:

  • What’s been stressing you out lately?
  • What was the most interesting (or exciting)  part of your day?
  • What was the most frustrating (or boring) part of your day?
  • Keeping stuff private is okay, but do you want to tell me more about ____? 
2. Lead by example

Parents and guardians can set the tone for open conversations about mental health by leading by example. Share your experiences with stress, anxiety, or challenges, and discuss how you cope with these emotions. This vulnerability demystifies the topic and shows that seeking support and discussing our challenges is a sign of strength.

3. Use age-appropriate language

Effective communication about mental health involves using language appropriate for each child's developmental stage. For younger children, use simple language and focus on basic emotions. As children grow older, they introduce more complex concepts and discuss mental health in a way that aligns with their evolving understanding of emotions.

4. Encourage questions

Create an environment where children feel comfortable asking questions about mental health. Encourage curiosity and validate their concerns. Reassure them that it's natural to feel a range of emotions and that seeking guidance or support is a healthy way to navigate challenges.

Fostering open conversations about mental health within families, schools, and peer groups is a collaborative effort that significantly contributes to students' overall well-being. By establishing a culture of acceptance and normalizing discussions, together, as parents, educators, and counselors, we can create an environment where students feel supported, understood, and empowered to prioritize their mental wellness. 

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Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, se asocia con los distritos escolares para prestar servicios de salud física y mental a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en su casa. Los diversos proveedores interculturales de Hazel se especializan en los problemas de salud de los niños y adolescentes y trabajan en conjunto con los padres y el personal de la escuela para tomar las mejores decisiones relativas a la atención de los estudiantes. Hazel se compromete a mejorar la equidad en atención médica y está disponible independientemente de los ingresos familiares, la zona geográfica, la situación del seguro y la posibilidad de pagar. La misión de Hazel es transformar el acceso de los niños a la atención médica, porque cuando los estudiantes se sienten mejor, aprenden mejor.

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Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health is the nation’s largest and most trusted provider of school-based telehealth. By partnering with districts and health plans across the country, Hazel transforms schools into the most accessible front door to pediatric healthcare. Today, Hazel’s licensed providers deliver teletherapy and virtual care (in school or at home) to over four million K-12 students, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. Hazel aims to remove all barriers to the mental and physical health care that children need to thrive: in school, at home, and in life.

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Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, se asocia con los distritos escolares para prestar servicios de salud física y mental a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en su casa. Hazel presta servicios a casi 2 millones de estudiantes en 100 distritos escolares, lo que ayuda a reducir el ausentismo crónico y el aprendizaje inconcluso, ya que aborda las dificultades para acceder a la atención médica. Hazel, como extensión del equipo de salud escolar, ayuda a las escuelas a abordar de inmediato las necesidades de atención de salud física y mental de los estudiantes. La misión de Hazel es transformar el acceso de los niños a la atención médica, porque cuando los estudiantes se sienten mejor, aprenden mejor.

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Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, se asocia con los distritos escolares para prestar servicios de salud física y mental a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en su casa. Como Hazel soluciona las dificultades para acceder a la atención médica, ayuda a los distritos escolares a abordar los problemas de ausentismo crónico, aprendizaje inconcluso e inscripción en las escuelas.

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Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, trabaja con los distritos escolares y las familias para prestar servicios de salud física y mental a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en su casa. En lugar de esperar una cita con un médico o terapeuta, los niños pueden ver a un proveedor de Hazel mediante una visita virtual, sin ningún costo para las familias. Con el permiso de los tutores, la plataforma virtual de Hazel permite a los niños ponerse en contacto con un proveedor de atención médica en cuestión de minutos, o con un terapeuta en cuestión de días tras la derivación. Los proveedores de Hazel pueden ayudar con todo tipo de problemas, desde alergias y dolores de estómago hasta ansiedad y depresión. Con Hazel, los niños pueden obtener la atención que necesitan cuando la necesitan.

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Acerca de Hazel

Hazel Health, el líder en telesalud en las escuelas, trabaja con los distritos escolares y las familias para prestar servicios de salud física y mental a estudiantes de K-12 donde se encuentren: en la escuela o en su casa. Sin costo alguno, e independientemente de la situación del seguro médico, los proveedores de Hazel pueden ayudar con todo tipo de problemas, desde alergias y dolores de estómago hasta ansiedad y depresión. Con Hazel, los niños pueden obtener la atención que necesitan cuando la necesitan.

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